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Denmark Boating and Angling Club is one of the oldest angling clubs in Western Australia, having turned 100 in January 2024. With a strong following of keen fishers, access to excellent river, estuary, beach, inshore and offshore fishing, the Angling Club has something for everyone. As a family friendly club, there are monthly fishing events, including trips away and local fishing.
Fishing Competitions !

Monthly Fishing Competition
March Beach Field Day Update:
Briefing: 2:00pm 16th March at Station Rd Bellanger Road corner Nornalup.
Weigh in: Time to be determined, but will be at the same location as the briefing.
Check the Blog for the location.
Check here or on FaceBook for information relating the the clubs activities as the briefing and weigh in locations may change depending on the boundaries set for the months competition.
Dates for the monthly competition are on the Beach Field Day page.
Click the link below.

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